Behind the Scenes No More
Pathology & Cytology Labs is well on its way to providing pathology service to all Kentuckians LEXINGTON In September 2022, Appalachia Regional Health System (ARH)
ISSUE 155: Special Section
Screenings for early detection. New “smart” drugs developed from clinical trials. Advanced new technology for radiation treatment and surgery. A team of pathologists, cytologists, and lab techs working 24/7 to examine and diagnose biopsies for quicker response times. These are some of the ways that Kentuckiana doctors are providing cancer care. We have those stories and more for you in this issue of MD-Update.
I’ve known Rick Lozano, MD, president of P&C Labs for 14 years. I remember meeting him at a holiday party at the UK Club at Spindletop Hall when we had just started MD-Update. I knew very little about pathology back then, but I recognized that Rick was someone to follow and stay in touch with, which we did throughout the years. I would occasionally see him at the YMCA and we’d chat about work, kids, and youth baseball.
He called me in August of this year to tell me that P&C Labs had just signed an agreement with Appalachian Regional Health to provide pathology services for the 13 Kentucky hospitals. “Would this be a story for MD-Update?” he asked. “Absolutely,” I replied, and that’s how we started this issue’s cover story. I learned a lot more about pathology in the next six weeks. I hope our readers will enjoy and benefit from the story of P&C Labs, how they’ve grown, what they do, and their commitment to serving Kentuckiana patients and doctors.
After a two-year hiatus, the Lexington Medical Society was able to meet again in person, just in time for the annual Past-Presidents Dinner. We were there and brought you some photos. My thanks to LMS executive VP/CEO Chris Hickey and Cindy Madison for the invitation. We’ll be there again in November to witness Dr. Steven Stack, commissioner of the Kentucky Department for Public Health, receive the Jack Trevey Community Service Award, an award most deserved for the commissioner.
Until December, all the best,
Gil Dunn
Editor/Publisher MD-Update
Pathology & Cytology Labs is well on its way to providing pathology service to all Kentuckians LEXINGTON In September 2022, Appalachia Regional Health System (ARH)
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