Lexington Medical Society’s Annual Past Presidents Dinner

LEXINGTON The annual Past-Presidents of the Lexington Medical Society dinner was October 8, 2019. Eleven past-presidents, wives and UK medical students attended. The program, presented by Charles Papp, MD, current LMS president included a review of 2019 legislative accomplishments for Kentuckians that were supported by the LMS, such as House Bill 11 which provided for tobacco-free schools. Papp also introduced the 2020 slate of officers: James L. Borders, president-elect, Lee M. Dorsett, MD, vice-president-elect, and Angela Thompson, MD, secretary/treasurer-elect.
The featured speaker was Brent Wright, MD, MMA, current KMA president, who spoke about some of his priorities, which include a continued focus on public health, passing legislation to put a tax on e-cigarettes, and that his personal phone and text number was available for Kentucky physicians to contact him.
The evening ended with a group photo of all the LMS past-presidents in attendance.

LEXINGTON On October 16, 2019, in coordination with the city of Lexington, various physician providers, and public safety and health administrators, the Lexington Medical Society (LMS) presented a symposium on opioid addiction, its causes, effects and some strategies to deal with the problem in Kentucky’s second largest city.
The panel of speakers included Charles Papp, MD, president LMS; Andrea James, community response strategist for Lexington mayor Linda Gorton and others.
Tuyen T. Tran, MD, medical director of 2nd Chance Clinic, warned about the rising tide of methamphetamine addiction and that Kentucky is “falling behind in employment because too many people are on drugs.”
Danesh Mazloomdoost, MD, anesthesiologist, pain medicine specialist and medical director of Wellward Regenerative Medicine, stated that, “We’ve transferred an acute pain medicine into a chronic pain therapy without dealing with the underlying causes of pain.”
Ryan Stanton, MD, emergency medicine physician at Baptist Health Lexington, said, “The ER is the epicenter of the drug crisis and we’ve gone against evidence-based medicine for 20 years.” Stanton advocates using the “three-day supply rule” when it comes to prescribing opioids and suggested that hospitals can cut opioid use by up to 80% when doctors use that formula when prescribing pain medication.
31st Annual STARS Gala Rocks the House
LEXINGTON The stars were out on Saturday November 9, 2019 at the 31st annual STARS Gala in Lexington, presented by the Saint Joseph Hospital Foundation. Established in 1989, the Foundation raises funds and “administers those funds in support of the core values and mission of Saint Joseph Hospital,” says Leslie Smart, CFRE, Foundation president.
In 2019 the proceeds from the Gala will benefit the renovation and expansion of the Saint Joseph Hospital’s emergency department with the addition of two new trauma rooms, two designated chest pain treatment rooms and a new “fast track” for patients.
Physician of the Year, as voted by staff for Saint Joseph Hospital, was Kevin Donohue, MD, and Jessica Croley, MD, was honored for Saint Joseph East.
CHI Saint Joseph Health Foundation Raises Money for Mammograms

NICHOLASVILLE The 5th annual Yes, Mamm! 5K took place on Saturday, October 12, 2019 at the beautiful RJ Corman Railroad Group grounds. It was a record-breaking day, bringing in over 460 participants and more than 50 volunteers. Each participant received a commemorative race medal and race shirt, and winners received cash prizes donated by RJ Corman Railroad Group and a fleece blanket. More than $30,000 was raised at the race.
Dr. Jan Anderson Speaks at Kentucky Psychological Association

LOUISVILLE The annual conference of the Kentucky Psychological Association was November 14–16, 2019 in Louisville. Workshop topics included “Nutritional Interventions for Mental Health,” “Suicidality in Neurological and Medically Complex Clients,” and “Domestic Violence Law.”
MD-Update mental wellness columnist, Jan Anderson, PSYD, LPCC presented portions of her doctoral work: “How to Make Peace with Your Past, Your Parents and Just About Anybody Else.”
Anderson started her presentation by defining emotional recovery and what resilience looks like. She discussed evidence-based methods that promote emotional recovery and resilience; some of the limits to and the benefits of resiliency; and four ways that therapy can help build resilience and speed emotional recovery.
“Resilience makes it possible to have a good life and be happy, even if the one who harmed us does not apologize, even if we do not reconcile and even if we seek justice for the harm done,” said Anderson.
According to its website, the Kentucky Psychological Association is a diverse and inclusive organization that represents the interests of psychologists at the state level. Its psychologists practice evidence-based research and teaching; provide clinical services in private practice or community care centers; work in psychiatric hospitals and medical centers; consult with government agencies and the business sector; and provide expert testimony.