Issue 144 - Cardiology

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Special Section
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cardiology, Women’s Health, Ablation

Welcome to The Cardiology Issue of MD-Update

It is a tumultuous time in Kentucky healthcare for our doctors. The AMA and 118 other medical societies agree with the results of a survey conducted by the Kentucky Medical Association that prior authorization is an obstacle to delivering quality healthcare. The KMA’s survey tallied 81% of the respondents who said “prior authorization sometimes, often, or always delayed access to care.”

I am interested in hearing from the 19% of respondents who don’t find prior authorization a problem. I would like to do a story on how they deal with the issue to share with our readers. Maybe they all practice elective medical specialties.

On page 5 in this issue, Eric Riley of Dean Dorton Healthcare Solutions gives us a synopsis of the new CMS rule outlining prior authorization pathways on services rendered by physicians. I invite you to read Eric’s column.

Abortion Update

On February 16, 2023, the Kentucky Supreme Court ruled that the state’s near total bans on abortion will remain in place while lawsuits continue. A bill, HB 300, was introduced into the Kentucky Legislature by Rep. Emily Callaway (R-37) who represents parts of Louisville and Bullitt County. Callaway’s bill, if passed, could result in a pregnant woman, who had an abortion, being charged with homicide.

I invite any Kentuckiana physician who wants to state their opinion, on either side of the abortion issue, to contact me for possible publication of their view.

Frivolous Lawsuits

Sometime in the next four to six months, the KY Supreme Court will rule on two lawsuits that involve the Certificate of Merit statue and the effects it has on medical malpractice lawsuits. Our legal columnist, Andrew DeSimone, of Sturgill, Turner, Barker & Moloney, shares his insights that the court’s rulings will have on page 8.

Love and Politics

I hope you enjoy reading the Lifewise by Dr. Jan columns as much as I do. She constantly surprises me with her topics, insights into human behaviors, helpful strategies, and humor. This issue’s column is one to put on the refrigerator, if anyone still does that sort of thing. She tells us how to live with someone who’s politics are the opposite of yours. Check it out on page 24.

Cardiology in Kentuckiana

It’s a target rich environment if you practice cardiology in Kentuckiana. I feel honored to be able to share in this issue of MD-Update, some stories of the women and men who care for the hearts of their patients, starting with our cover story on page 10.

Look for your specialty among the topics on the MD-Update editorial calendar on the preceeding page. When you see it, give me a call. I am sure that you have a good story to tell.

Until December, all the best,

Gil Dunn
Editor/Publisher MD-Update

Heartfelt Surgery

Cardiothoracic surgeon finds a home in Central Kentucky “I really customize their medical treatment before and after surgery to their unique situation.” — George Dimeling,

Heart and Soul

A lifelong passion for cardiology and lipidology fuels Dr. Dinesh Kalra’s life-saving work LOUISVILLE We all have that one thing that really gets our heart

Heart Care for Women by Women

Norton Heart & Vascular Institute’s Women’s Heart Program serves a region where heart disease, especially in women, is a deadly issue. LOUISVILLE According to the

A-Fib Treatment Options Heat Up

Hybrid ablation can be an effective procedure for patients with consistent atrial fibrillation. LOUISVILLE Norton Heart & Vascular Institute has been recognized as the second-most

Most Kentuckians Want to Quit Smoking

Nearly nine in ten Kentucky adults who smoke say they want to quit according to the 2020 Kentucky Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. FRANKFORT New