Health Enterprises Network Announces “Converge Louisville,” Aging Care Innovation Conference

LOUISVILLE Health Enterprises Network presents its inaugural aging innovation conference entitled, “Converge Louisville: Aging + Innovation” on May 17, 2018 at Actor’s Theatre of Louisville. The full-day conference will highlight Louisville as the epicenter of aging care in the nation and focus on how innovative ideas and practices flourish within the aging care sector.
The conference will gather industry thought-leaders, entrepreneurs, and community stakeholders for discussions where innovation and aging care “converge.” Louisville’s unique strengths in the industry make Converge the natural hub for the progressive collaborations that will shape the future of aging care.
Among the featured presenters are: Busy Burr, VP, and head of Healthcare Trend and Innovation, Humana; Theo Edmonds, chief imaginator and co-founder, IDEAS xLab; Ben Reno-Weber, chief storyteller, MobileServ; Brian Holzer, MD, CEO, Lacuna Health- A Kindred Healthcare Company; Pat Mulloy, CEO, Elmcroft Senior Living; David Rhew, MD, chief medical officer and GM of Enterprise Healthcare, Samsung. Also planned is a CEO panel discussion with Phil Marshall, president and CEO, Hosparus Health, Joe Steier, president and CEO, Signature HealthCARE. The discussion will be moderated by Tammy York Day, president and CEO, Louisville Healthcare CEO Council.
The Health Enterprises Network, formed in 2000, is a non-profit network of nearly 180 investor companies focused on the economic development of the region’s health-related industry. Health Enterprises Network is an affiliate of Greater Louisville Inc.
Wellstone Regional Hospital Wins Annual Quality Award

JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA Wellstone Regional Hospital received the 2017 Universal Health Services Corporate Quality Award on March 13, 2018. The Quality Award recognizes meeting and exceeding national indicators, such as patient satisfaction, outcome measures, and regulatory requirements for various agencies. Wellstone was one of 300+ behavioral healthcare hospitals that were eligible for this award.
“Being acknowledged for this recognition is a testament to the dedicated and compassionate work delivered to patients by our clinicians and staff,” said Gregory Stewart, CEO, Wellstone Regional Hospital. “We are committed to our mission of providing care to patients with special, and often complex, mental health needs. What separates Wellstone from other behavioral health facilities is our dedication to the respect of each individual we treat, with an emphasis on restoring hope.”
Wellstone Regional Hospital is a 100-bed psychiatric hospital providing healthcare to Kentuckiana since 2003. Wellstone is a provider for children, adolescents, adults, and the geriatric population, treating both mental health and chemical dependency. Wellstone offers many treatment options, including both inpatient and outpatient services.
Wellstone Regional was named after the late US Senator Paul Wellstone from Minnesota, his wife Sheila and daughter Marsh who died in a plane crash in October 2002. Wellstone Hospital strives to represent the values and character of Wellstone by serving the mentally ill and the chemically dependent.