LEXINGTON The annual LMS/KMA 10th District Trustee/Past Presidents Dinner meeting of the Lexington Medical Society brought together 16 former presidents of the Society on October 10 at the Signature Club in Lexington.
The featured speaker of the evening was Michael Kudak, MD, current president of the Kentucky Medical Association, who spoke on multiple topics, including the KMA Physician Leadership Institute; the KMA annual meeting; “Voices for Vaccination,” a KMA public health initiative encouraging compliance and supported by the KY Hospital Association and the KY Nursing Association; the KMA CME guarantee; and the KMA Physician Care program. Kudak also spoke about KMA initiatives in the KY legislature including its emphasis on prior authorization reform.
The next meeting of the Lexington Medical Society is scheduled for January 16, 2024, with the installation of new leadership team of officers: Angela Dearinger, MD, president, Hope Cottrill, MD, president-elect, Christine Ko, vice president, Tina Fawns, MD, vice-president elect, and Marisa Belcastro, MD, sec/treasurer.
Information on the Lexington Medical Society is available at 859.278.0569 and www.lexingtondoctors.org.