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LEXINGTON The Empowerment Series for Women with Cancer is designed to help free women diagnosed with cancer from stress and fear as much as possible and provide answers to many of their questions.
The series of programs is complimentary to attendees, all costs are underwritten by Baptist Health Lexington. The meeting starts at 6 pm at Central Baptist Church, 110 Wilson Downing Road in Lexington and includes a buffet dinner, notebooks, and speaker.
The series was initiated in 2011 by Peggy Wheeler, RN, OCN, CBPN, breast cancer nurse navigator at Baptist Health Lexington. Wheeler founded the Empowerment Series program because she wanted “to provide breast cancer patients with concrete, helpful information and a support group.”
The program is open to women diagnosed with cancer regardless of where they are being treated and is not limited to breast cancer patients. The programs are held once a month for eight consecutive months.
After six years, Wheeler estimates that between 500 to 600 women have participated in the series. Support groups such as the Empowerment Series for Women with Cancer help fulfill standards of the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers a (NAPBC) and Commission on Cancer.
Topics, date, and speakers are:
Nov. 14:
Body Image After Cancer with Dr. Monica Hall, plastic surgeon
Dec. 12:
Caring for the Spirit with Rev. William Elliott, MDiv, BCC
Jan. 9, 2018:
Nutrition and Movement with Kate Martin, MS, RDLD and Diane Sutton, personal trainer and health coach
Feb. 13, 2018:
Integrative Therapies (massage, yoga and more) with Catherine Weaver, MSN, HN-BC, RN
March 13, 2018:
Treatment for Cancer with Dr. Russell Eldridge
April 10, 2018:
Genetics with Sara Campbell, MS, CGC
May 8, 2018: Outing to paint at Pinot’s Palette
Participants may attend as many of the programs as they wish. Call the Cancer Center Help Line to register at 859.260.4357.